I went to coffee this morning with a friend of mine. I made the mistake of asking how her Thanksgiving had gone. You see, this was the first time she and her husband were hosting dinner in their home. It was a big deal, she’s been stressing over it for months. I’d been giving her recipe tips, advice on how not to over-complicate the meal, etc. What I never considered was asking her if they checked to make sure everything in the home was working properly. You know like the electricity or the plumbing. So, there they were on Thanksgiving day with all of the relatives. Enjoying a wonderful meal, games for the kids, football on TV, great conversation. When there’s a flood in the bathroom. My friend’s husband rushes in to save the day. However, turning off said toilet did nothing. The water was still coming from somewhere. Then tools got brought out, walls got ripped open, until her husband emerged t...