Are headlights really optional?
How are your driving skills? Do you follow every rule? Do you weave in and out of traffic? Is your car in good shape? Do your headlights work and do you use them? I ask this because I’ve been traveling a lot in the last couple of years and let’s just say I think I’ve seen it all now. Take this woman I saw once who was in front of the car I was a passenger in. W e entered the lane to pay the toll on a turnpike. The woman apparently hadn’t followed the rules and didn’t have her ticket at the ready to pay. There were cars behind us so we couldn’t just back up and go into another line. People began to get angry – horns were honking as this woman was arguing with the toll booth attendant. To add to the problem, every few minutes she would flip the bird to those of us behind her – like that was helping the problem somehow. 5 minutes went by, then 10, then we got almost to the 15 minute mark before the woman ...