
Showing posts from August, 2020

Finding the unusual in an ordinary day

For the past few days I’ve been looking at all my photos from the past several years trying to pick ones to print out. At first this activity was making me rather sad. It was such a reminder of how many places I’ve been and still want to go. But then, as I really started to focus on the images, I realized something. I take some rather odd shots of some pretty unusual things. Well, this is something I can do right now despite the current situation. Okay, I find someone who’s willing to be my chauffeur for a day and off we go. And in the space of a few hours what do I find? Okay, this is rather normal. A tank parked on the side of the road. Moving on. Cool, a town with American flags lining the highway. Not the Fourth of July, but who cares. Showing love for your country is always a good thing. Uhm, Mr. Motorcycle who should be wearing a helmet. But I guess he isn’t because he want everyone to see his artwork. On his head. Of what? Is that in fact a naked tree with crows circling? Okay, ...

To help or not to help - that is the question

  So there I am the other day, taking a leisurely stroll. Looking for interesting things to take photos of. And what should come rolling down the road? Not a car, not a bike, not even a baby carriage. Nope a tire. Alone. Okay, I was on a bit of slope right at the moment but still it wasn’t making any sense to me why this thing was going by itself. Thus I stopped dead in my tracks – watching it go down the hill. Then I hear a voice behind me yelling, “Grab it!” Uhm, no can do. I don’t run for love or money. And never for a tire. Turning, I saw a man huffing and puffing as he chugging along in the road way. As he passed me he yelled, “Thanks for nothing!” Yikes. At the bottom there’s a bit of a curve which the tire didn’t navigate and it when flying off into the brambles beyond the sidewalk. Oh, hello. The man stood there staring at his tire enmeshed in the thorns. I turned and walked back the way I'd came. Now I know in life this happens. Things don’t go as planned and then everythi...

No Goldilocks allowed here

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been having this ongoing conversation with these friends of mine who want to buy a travel trailer. And it’s rather turned into a Goldilocks situation. You know what I’m talking about I’m sure – this one’s too soft, this one’s too hard, this one’s too cold, this one’s too hot. Anyway, the situation with my friends is they’ve recently retired and want to wander the country for a while. Hence, the need for the trailer. First up, they started by going to dealers to look at new ones. However, they quickly decided they didn’t want to end up with a ton of debt. Okay, this was a rather good decision on their part. Onward to used ones they could buy with cash instead. Thus, they start scrounging through the classified and going to look at the various ones listed. First one they go look at – yikes, it smelled like smoke from cigarettes. Second had bunk beds they would never use. Third didn’t have a tub. Forth didn’t have a sink in the bathroom. Fifth – okay, I’ll st...