No Goldilocks allowed here

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been having this ongoing conversation with these friends of mine who want to buy a travel trailer. And it’s rather turned into a Goldilocks situation. You know what I’m talking about I’m sure – this one’s too soft, this one’s too hard, this one’s too cold, this one’s too hot. Anyway, the situation with my friends is they’ve recently retired and want to wander the country for a while. Hence, the need for the trailer. First up, they started by going to dealers to look at new ones. However, they quickly decided they didn’t want to end up with a ton of debt. Okay, this was a rather good decision on their part. Onward to used ones they could buy with cash instead. Thus, they start scrounging through the classified and going to look at the various ones listed. First one they go look at – yikes, it smelled like smoke from cigarettes. Second had bunk beds they would never use. Third didn’t have a tub. Forth didn’t have a sink in the bathroom. Fifth – okay, I’ll stop now you get the idea. At this point, I do believe they’ve gone to look at something like twenty and turned them all down for one reason or another. Now, sometimes perfection is something to be sought after. Other times, well, I do believe we need to give a bit, show some grace and accept something a little short of ideal. Because, lets face it, in life how often do we get everything we want? Almost never. We get what we need most of the time and when we are lucky, we get a bit more. In the case of buying a trailer, shouldn’t the point of it to be able to get off the beaten track? To slow life down and relax? To use it only as a place to store stuff and sleep, nothing more? Because the whole wide world is right outside your door waiting to be explored, so it shouldn’t matter about sinks, tubs, bunk beds. Maybe I’m wrong, but this picture was taken while camping last year. And I didn’t care in least what my accommodations were like, only that this was my view from my door for a few days. Yes, I know, I'm different than most. My needs tend to be simple - food, water, a few items of clothing, a roof over my head and being in touch with nature. But maybe it's time for us all to really look at what we really need. And be happy with a bit less.


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