To help or not to help - that is the question
So there I am the other day, taking a leisurely stroll. Looking for interesting things to take photos of. And what should come rolling down the road? Not a car, not a bike, not even a baby carriage. Nope a tire. Alone. Okay, I was on a bit of slope right at the moment but still it wasn’t making any sense to me why this thing was going by itself. Thus I stopped dead in my tracks – watching it go down the hill. Then I hear a voice behind me yelling, “Grab it!” Uhm, no can do. I don’t run for love or money. And never for a tire. Turning, I saw a man huffing and puffing as he chugging along in the road way. As he passed me he yelled, “Thanks for nothing!” Yikes. At the bottom there’s a bit of a curve which the tire didn’t navigate and it when flying off into the brambles beyond the sidewalk. Oh, hello. The man stood there staring at his tire enmeshed in the thorns. I turned and walked back the way I'd came. Now I know in life this happens. Things don’t go as planned and then everything goes to heck in a hand-basket quicker than you can blink. So I guess the question is - when should you try to stop the wreck when it’s already in motion? Or should you just wait for the disaster to finish and pick up the pieces as best you can? And when should you step in and help if you see someone else who’s day has gone off the rails? Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any answers here. But I do know this – if I have the power to help someone I should every time. Not if I feel like it, not if it’s comfortable, not if it’s easy. Nope. Every single time. And therefore I feel bad that I didn’t kick that stupid tire flat onto the road.
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