How not to travel
Every once in a while, I see things when I’m out and about that just make me scratch my head. Why in the world did someone think this was a good idea? Yup, let’s just strap a tote to the car. And then go hurling down the freeway at 90 miles an hour. Okay, I know necessity is the mother of invention. But this? No, this isn’t something good, useful, helpful or anything. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. It’s on the same level as those people who try to move furniture by having a few guys hold it in the back of a pickup truck. They think it’s not a problem because they are only going a few blocks. And then they hit a bump and the dresser falls out. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen more than once. Yet most of us have done something enormously stupid in our lives. Why? I’m not sure. But we humans seem to be good with questionable judgment. Like the parents I once witnessed allowing their child to play with an axe in the dark. And then seemed rather surprised when the inevitable happened...