Hope you changed your clocks - or not
Okay, in the world of Zoom I’ve found a new problem. So, I had this meeting set up the other day, I got the email confirmation with the link to the person’s private Zoom room. And in that email it clearly stated the time of the meeting – the same time we always meet. Thus, I didn’t think anything about it. Until it came time for our call. I click on the link as I always do and nothing happened. Well, let me be correct here. Something happened – the app opened and I got one of those circles of death telling me to wait. Of course, the question at that point is as always - Wait for what? The world to end? So I sit there and stare at it for a few minutes. And give up, back out of the app and click the link in the email once more. Because you know what the definition of insanity is right? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. No joy. Circle of death yet again. Fine, whatever. I start doing something else and ignoring my tablet. At some point later (as in about an hour later!), my tablet starts to glow and make noises. Uhm, weird. Stopping what I’m doing, I turn to it and what do my wondering eyes behold? The person I’m supposed to be having that chat with. Oh, no, I must’ve forgotten to close out the app. Flustered, I apologized for my appearance – who knows what I looked like at this point since I was no longer caring about anything. And had been pulling my hair out as I worked on a particular difficult problem in my manuscript. (Should my character do this or that? And is now a good time to talk about this past relationship or not? You have no idea what we writers go through yelling at our characters all day!). But getting back to my Zoom problem, I asked how I’d gotten the time so wrong. She stated the time was correct. Huh?! Turns out she’s in England and they’ve already had daylight savings time. We in America weren’t going to have it for another two days. Whoa. I had no idea that was a thing – countries doing the time change on different weekends. And, as it turns out, neither did she. Hence her email having the wrong time in it. Oh, my heavens. Which led me to start wondering who makes up these rules? And why? Yup, let's royally mess with everyone’s heads. And to add to the fun, let’s not do it all on the same weekend. Oh, and by the way, some countries, states, counties don’t change at all. Good grief – I give up. One more reason I need simple. And why I wish I lived in a cave…
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