Do I look like I work here?
Okay, yesterday was cold – very cold by southern standards. Thus I was wearing a sweater, my very cute sweater if I do say so myself. One of the neighbor boys thinks it looks like it has aliens on it – you know the kind from outer space. He wishes I would wear this sweater more than once or twice a year because he loves it. Uhm, whatever. Well, I was spending some time with friends and it was a perfect opportunity to dig out this particular item of clothing. After we had finished at the coffeeshop, I made the mistake of running to Walmart to pick up a few items. Now Walmart has made it were you pretty much have no option but to do the self-check out thing. Fine, sure, I have always wanted to do someone else’s job for them. It’s alright - turns out, I’m often faster and more accurate than the cashiers. So, I ring up the first item – shredded lettuce. The machines says this is a restricted item and I need approval. Wait – what?! The lone employee comes over and fixes it. I ring up the ...