Do I look like I work here?

Okay, yesterday was cold – very cold by southern standards. Thus I was wearing a sweater, my very cute sweater if I do say so myself. One of the neighbor boys thinks it looks like it has aliens on it – you know the kind from outer space. He wishes I would wear this sweater more than once or twice a year because he loves it. Uhm, whatever. Well, I was spending some time with friends and it was a perfect opportunity to dig out this particular item of clothing. After we had finished at the coffeeshop, I made the mistake of running to Walmart to pick up a few items. Now Walmart has made it were you pretty much have no option but to do the self-check out thing. Fine, sure, I have always wanted to do someone else’s job for them. It’s alright - turns out, I’m often faster and more accurate than the cashiers. So, I ring up the first item – shredded lettuce. The machines says this is a restricted item and I need approval. Wait – what?! The lone employee comes over and fixes it. I ring up the second item – tortillas. Again, I need approval. Hold on here, there is no way any of these items you have to be 21 to buy. What in the world is wrong with this machine today? Okay, the lady comes over again, she punches a few more buttons this time. Then she turns to me, “You can’t wear that top when you’re shopping. The scanner’s trying to read it.” Hold on a cotton pickin’ minute. Did she just tell me what to wear? No question, “Can you push up your sleeves? The scanner is reading your sweater.” No suggestion, “Maybe next time you can wear a more neutral of a color as the scanner is having problems.” Nope. A demand. As if I work there and she has the right to tell me what I can and can’t do. After taking a quick look in my buggy, I decide there’s nothing in there I absolutely have to have. I will not starve if I don’t make tacos as planned, bake the cake I had thought about making or anything else I had considered. Thus, I walked away, leaving the ice cream to melt, the lettuce to wilt, the tomatoes to rot and whatever else is in there to do what it will. I don’t care. The employee started yelling at me something about how I can’t just walk way like that. And why not, pray tell? I couldn’t see any reason – it’s not like this was the only store in town – or even the only Walmart for that matter. How exactly did the world come to this? When machines are king and people just don’t exist? Please, enough already – I want to go to a store and talk to a person, I want to go to the bank and talk to a human, I want to go to the airport and speak to anyone with a pulse. And I do not ever want to be told what I can and can not wear ever again. Thank you to anyone in authority who may be listening. I know it’s an impossible ask at this point…


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