Where's the key?
A friend and I were having coffee yesterday. I made the mistake of asking her how her weekend went. She turned to me and said, “It went so good, it finally gave me proof my husband has lost his mind.” Uhm, okay. She then proceeded to tell me what happened Saturday. She left to do some errands while her husband was out tinkering in the shed. When she returned home almost 2 hours later, she found him sitting on the front porch. While she found that odd, she, at first didn’t think much of it as she pulled into the garage. He followed her into the garage, thumped on the roof of the car as she was getting out. Then he started telling her all about how she had locked him out of the house. Which was very bad since there wasn’t any drinking water to be had and no food. And apparently, worse of all, no bathroom, which for an older gentleman with prostate problems was a major no-no. As she’s telling me this, she’s really getting animated – her hands are swinging all over the place, her voice i...