Talk to me

There I was a few weeks ago, standing in my booth space, waiting for customers. It was late afternoon, the rush long gone and almost none remained at the event anymore. An elderly woman the sole person walking the aisle. I watched as her slow,  measured steps took her the length of the building, never stopping to look at anything. Until she got to me. Dressed in dark grey slacks, cream twin set sweater with her short white hair elegantly poofed just right, she had this air of elegance. 

As she entered my space, she patted my arm and said something about not wanting a book. But she would like to chat for a moment because she loved my curly hair as it reminded her of her daughter. Of course, I told her 'No problem'. I realize how lonely it can be when you're older, especially if you live alone. Which may or may not have been the case with this woman, I'm well aware. I let her ramble on for a while, about her life in this small town. How she'd never been much farther than one hundred miles from the spot we were standing. About her daughter, whom she never sees now that said daughter moved to the other side of the country. As she spoke, her fingers on my arm gripped tighter and tighter. 

When she was finished, she looked me in the eye and stated, "Thank you," as she pulled me into a hug.

She didn't need to explain for what. I understood - nobody listened to her anymore. She'd become obsolete, someone to be ignored, passed over. And yet, in those few moments, I heard wisdom coming from her lips which should be heard by one and all. About simpler times when neighbors helped neighbors without being asked. About family being the center of one's life. And so much more.

So today, I challenge you to find a sage of your own. Spend a few moments gleaning wisdom from their years of experience. You both will benefit I'm sure.


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