The Camping Trip - Episode 3

Amber As I continued to stare into the fire, I knew I should’ve gotten up and helped with our meal. However, I wasn’t feeling in the mood. To be perfectly honest, I was rather queasy at this point and food was the last thing I was wanting. Fine, fine, cooking is woman’s work. And as a good wife who was wanting to fix her marriage, I should’ve jumped up in a heartbeat and whipped up a gourmet meal for my love. The radio crackled as he turned it on. A bit of static now has he futz with the dials. Wait, what?! Is that news he put on? No, that isn’t even close to romantic! “Hey, dear, uhm…” I started, “I know you love listening to what’s going on in the world but…” “Amber,” I just knew Mark was rolling his eyes even though I couldn’t see his face from my position by the fire. “you’ve got to stop living in the clouds. Especially now, get your feet firmly planted on the ground.” Gritting my teeth so I wouldn’t scream, “Whatever.” I snorted in reply, trying to focus on t...