Please don't say this is my new normal!

Have you ever wanted to do something yourself because the person or company responsible for doing it just can’t seem to get it together? But you know that’s impossible so you just shake your head in wonder and try to roll with it? Well, the last week or so has been this way for me with the mail and package delivery companies. Okay, I know I’m bored out of my skull and this is a big part of my problem. However, I’ve counted mail for 26 different people who don’t live with me in the last week. And at least 1 of these people I know for a fact has been dead for over a year. To me, this seems rather excessive. That’s an awful lot of mail in such a short period of time going to the wrong place. Yes, all of the mail had my address on it, just not my name. How does this happen? To be honest, I have no idea. As if that wasn’t enough fun, 2 packages showed up at my door which weren’t for me either. Now these did have different addresses on them, yet, there they were. And 1 package I ordered was delivered to someone else’s house. Ugh, I think this was just the package delivery guys having fun with us. “Hey, Fred, today I think we should play a practical joke on everyone in town!” – “Oh, my, Jake, that sounds so cool, I’m in!” And the end result was no one got their package first try. My package did show up, three days late, very damaged and I hope unopened. But it was hard to tell given the state it was in. Maybe this has been happening all along and I never noticed it because I had better things to do. Like visiting friends, taking a walk, well, okay doing anything which didn’t involve being cooped up in my house for days on end. Yikes, I so hope this isn’t my new normal, watching the mail like a hawk… Nope, not going to let it be. I will go back to exploring the world and ignoring my mail. Someday.


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