Upside down - Rightside up?

By now you, like me, have taken a deep dive into your online streaming services I’m sure. (Love is Blind, Tiger King, just don’t ask me what else…). I’ve also been watching a ton of parodies on Youtube. Some are pretty good (‘I want to know what day it is’ for example), others, well, ahm, let’s just say should never have been posted. And it goes without says that the Andrea Bochelli performance from Milan was a must see on Easter. While it was beautiful, it was also hauntingly eerie with the scenes of the empty duomo and streets of various cities. Yes, it seems the whole world is turned upside down with no end in sight. It’s almost as if everyone is experiencing vertigo at same time. Now for those of you who’ve never had this happen to you – well, let me describe my experience with it. Last week, I was starting to chop tomatoes for dinner. Then the kitchen counter tilted one way, then the other. Needless to say, I had to give up on cutting anything for fear of losing a finger or two. Since I had just finished exercising for the day, I thought maybe I hadn’t had enough water. After quickly drinking another glass, all I was feeling was nauseous. Plus now the room now spinning faster and faster. Yikes, I had to sit down. Didn’t help. I closed my eyes, no relief. I slunk lower and lower into my comfy chair, no good. Forget dinner, I went to bed. I have no idea how long I lay there before the world stopped spinning and I fell asleep. However, at some point in the night, I woke up. All because I made the mistake of rolling over which started the whole crazy feeling back up again. This time, it didn’t go away. Finally, it was late enough in the morning for my doctor’s office to be open. After a quick video chat with him, he told me what was going on (no, I wasn’t going crazy!) and how to fix it. Thus, I started taking the medication for vertigo and a few days later I was feeling much better. Okay, okay. I know there is no easy solution for what’s going on in all of our lives right now. But there is an answer, we just have to hold on long enough for that to happen. Which can seem impossible to do when the world is spinning out of control, trust me I understand. But now isn’t the time to get off your comfy couch/chair just yet. Let’s grab the remote and find what else is at the very bottom of the list on those streaming services…


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