Aprils Fools is no joke

So it’s April fools’ day – yup, I woke up today and had this magical thought that March had been one big, long joke. Today someone would say ‘April fools’!’ and the nightmare would be over. Nope. Still stuck at home. Fine. I called a friend, a dear friend I frequently go to coffee with. Well, we used to, in that other time, in that other life. Now, a phone call is all we have. In a few moments we were giggling and laughing over nothing really. Because that is what we do. Somehow the conversation turned to Sesame Street – no, not today’s version but the old stuff from the 70’s. And the Electric Company – oh, and of course, Mr. Rogers. Then on to old TV shows with cute guys we used to drool over – MacGyver, Magnum P.I. – again, not the new versions. Which led to music, Fleetwood Mac, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Cyndi Lauper, well, to many to name here. Then movies with good music – Saturday Night Fever, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Footloose, to name a few. Yup, here’s the thing, right now the old and familiar is very comforting. And anything that’s comforting is great. I’m seeing so many posts from people who are anxious, scared and bored – all at the same time. It’s a very weird and crazy time right now. No one is quite sure how to react or not react.  What I do know is we will get through this. For the simple reason - we must. There is no option to go back and not have this tragedy. But as humans we are amazing resilient, we know how to make a comeback no matter how tough the fight. This is why we root for the underdog and love a good movie where the underdog wins. So, excuse me now. I’m going to go fix myself a drink and a big bucket of popcorn. Then I’m going to find Miracle, Remember the Titans, Rocky, Footloose, Dirty Dancing and any other old, comfortable movie I can think of to watch for the rest of the day or two. Okay, I may not move for a week – it’s all good…


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