Let them eat ice cream

So yesterday I went to the store for my weekly grocery trip. Just a few items needed, nothing special.
Okay, I know all about those news stories about panic shopping but somehow I didn’t think it would
apply to me and where I live. As I entered the normally very busy store, the first thing I noticed was it’s
like a ghost town in there. It’s eerily quiet and I think I’m completely alone except for a few employees.
Fine by me. Lets see, I need milk - no milk. Uhm. Eggs - no. Chicken - no. Hamburger - no. Rice - no.
Beans - no. Pasta - no. Tomato sauce - no. Bananas - no. Yikes. Ah, there is lettuce. Ick, it’s brown.
I’m not buying that and the tomatoes are moldy. Moving on to frozen meat - no. Frozen fruit - no.
Frozen veggies - ah, there’s something on that shelf! Brussel sprouts and a bag of lima beans?! Who
in their right mind thought it was a good idea to put only lima beans in a bag and try to sell it? As I stand
there with the door to the freezer open poking through the sad bags of veggies, I’m hoping this isn’t
what life has come to. Then I spot a bag which seems a bit different. Yes, yes, yes! Grabbing it like it’s
a life-preserver, I wondered what I could make with this little bag of green beans I just found. About
then was when I had to admit defeat. Standing there for another moment, I tried to think of foods no
one would be panic buying. And I hit on an idea. Turning the corner, I knew I was right. This part of
the frozen section looked completely untouched. I could take my pick of any flavor of … drumroll
please - ICE CREAM! Slowly I looked at all the different types and picked not one, not two but four
flavors. I quickly checked out with my four half-gallons of ice cream and tiny bag of green beans,
heading home to fight this fight another day. Now, I’m sitting here trying to think of which flavor I’m
having for dinner. And which comedy I’m going to watch while I’m eating this ice cream. And how
great it’s going to be to sit on my back porch on a hot southern day, eating ice cream while watching
something funny. Yup, no matter what else is going on I have this. This one bright moment of being
silly for silly sake...


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