What's a shoe bag?

Okay, so I’ve been traveling a lot. And I’ve got a science to packing – my shirts neatly rolled and tucked into a homemade cloth bag. My dresses neatly rolled and tucked into another bag. Of course each pair of shoes have their own bag. I could go on, but you get the idea, no need to list each item until I get to my unmentionables. Oops, I mentioned them! Anyway, there I am stuck, waiting for a flight that’s been delayed several times. The young man next to me had been talking endlessly about his fiancée he was flying to see. Enough was enough, I pulled my suitcase onto the seat to dig out a few things to go freshen up. After all, it’s easier to open the thing in the waiting area then the bathroom. In a few seconds, I have what I need and in my mind I think my next move is to head to the nearest bathroom. But no – the young man next to me is making noises like he is choking. Stopping for a second, I turn to him, my case half closed. He starts blabbing something about how organized my suitcase is. And if all women are that way. This somehow morphs into him talking about how marriage is going to end his freedom because his fiancée is going to change everything. I believe the word he used was ‘dominate’ - as in force him to put his shoes in bags. Uhm, because I grabbed a change of clothes and socks (which are of course stuffed inside my shoes) he is freaking out on me? Let that be a lesson to me never to open my suitcase in front of a strange man again. Yes, I know people often get cold feet before they get married. Second thoughts are common, because love isn’t practical, it’s emotional. However, in much of life we let practicality get in the way. We take the job we don’t like because it has a better salary and more stability. I could name other things we settle for but you get the idea. As for this young man from what I could tell, if he wasn’t already putting his shoes in bags, he needed a girl in his life. Ick, all of those germs from the bottom of his shoes running free in his suitcase! Not that I told him this – he was too stressed to hear info on germ warfare right then. So I told this young man that it didn’t matter what his girl did or didn’t do, if they loved each other, they could make it work. Maybe, maybe not. I’m no expert. But I do know that people forget to not sweat the petty stuff and not pet the sweaty stuff. And shoe bags are rather petty. Your challenge today is to accept the ones you love for who they are - foibles and all. 


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