Why is this so complicated?

Have you ever tried to do something so simple even a child could do it but failed miserably? As in, no way, no how could you ever do this task? Okay, so here’s the thing. A while back, a young man showed up at my door with a pizza. Uhm, I didn’t order a pizza. Well he wouldn’t leave with it since it was paid for and the address on the slip was clearly mine. Fine, thanks universe for the free pizza. So yesterday, I decided to actually order a pizza, now that I know they deliver to my house. I go online, look over the options and make my choice. After I click the order button, it asks if I want to make an account, I click no since I’m not planning on making this a habit. I pick my topping, cheese, sauce and it asks me again if I want to make an account and I click no again. However, this time my selections are gone. Poof – nothing in my cart. Ugh, I have to start all over again after about 5 minutes of playing around on the website. Okay, I do everything again with the same result – should’ve have known better. After all the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different outcome. They had me, I try to set up an account. But I keep getting an error message, yet it won’t tell me which field I haven’t filled in properly. I’m now something like 15 minutes into trying to order a pizza – it takes less time to make one for heavens sake. I give up and call the store. The nice person on the phone asks me for my email address. I ask why and am told they need to pull up my account. When I say I don’t have one, I’m told I need to go to the website or app and make one then call back. This is when I know I’m defeated. Something so basic as ordering a pizza is beyond my abilities. How in the world is this possible? I have always thought I was a fairly competent adult, able to accomplish pretty much anything. Nevertheless, time and time again, I get slapped in the face with something and find I need the help of a child to overcome it. Can we please go back to a world without computers and smartphones and apps and complications? Alas, I fear we can not. So here I sit waiting for the universe to send me another pizza because apparently that's the only way I can have one...


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