Don't tell me I can't discipline that kid!

I got a flyer with a coupon from one of my favorite stores the other day. I was excited because this is where I go for the shower gel and lotion I love so much. However, it’s rather on the pricey side so I try to wait for a sale or a good coupon. And as an added bonus, usually when they send out the flyer, they have new scents. Thus, off I go to the store yesterday. Unfortunately, in the area with the new products there was a group of 5 or 6 kids spraying each other with the testers and non-testers alike. And in addition, they were squirting lotion from every bottle they seemed to be able to get their hands on. I said ‘excuse me’ a couple of times but was unable to get anywhere near the display. I gave up and went over to see if I could find my old staple product. No luck there either – it was nowhere to be found. Ugh. I made the mistake of trying to go over to the display of new scents again – the kids were still there. This time when I said ‘excuse me’, I got sprayed with I don’t know how many scents and a bottle of lotion was not so gently dropped by my foot. Lotion ended up all over my leg, foot and sandal as it had exploded on impact with the tile floor. So fine, I made a not so polite statement about how some of us were there to shop not play. Now, I doubt I would’ve said anything if there had been an adult in sight. But there wasn’t one, at least not until I said that. Then, as if by magic, there comes this woman, snapping at me about how they were just being kids and I didn’t have to be rude. I had had enough at that point, I left the store. Later, after practically taking a bath to get all the different smells off of me, I went to the grocery store. I bumped into a friend and she spotted the flyer half sticking out of my purse. Frankly, I had forgotten it was still there. Anyway, she goes on to tell me all about the great new fragrances they have for fall. Well, don’t even get me started on that one. And I proceed to tell her about my visit to the store. Her reaction wasn’t what I expected. She asked me what race the children were. Okay, what difference did it make if they were white, green or purple? They were being destructive hooligans in a public place. Her next statement gave me more than a few moments of pause, “If they were African-American you were being rather racist by saying anything.” There was nothing I could say in response to that, I simply walked way from my friend after more than a minute of silence. Since when is it acceptable to be disruptive in a public place if you are a certain race? And since when can no one call you out on it? Have we gotten so politically correct in this country we are afraid to say anything? Thus when someone does it’s wrong no matter how right it may be? Children need to be disciplined. They can not be allowed to destroy property. What they did to me was borderline assault. Yes, I know free-range parenting is all the rage these days. I also know children always seem to be home alone at hours of the day or night no matter how young they may be. The misbehavior is not the fault of the children. No I blame you and you and you. And by that I mean society as a whole. Parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, pastors, priests, neighbors, any adult in a hundred mile radius. Because, yes, by all means, it should always be acceptable to correct a child and train them in the way they should go. Race isn't a factor here, having children who will functioning members of society when they become adults is. ‘Junior, pull up those pants, no one wants to see your underwear.’ ‘Honey, stop screaming, use your inside voice.’ ‘Don’t run inside.’ ‘Don’t open every bottle in the store, people may want to buy that later.’ Find other examples, there are so many of them. I for one, am not going to stop telling kids they're in the wrong if they are. Even if they are orange or fuchsia or blue…


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