Here comes the sun...
A friend of
mine was sick and I offered to bring dinner over. They said sure if I would
stay for a movie as well. As I had nothing better to do, I agreed.
Unfortunately, it was a superhero movie on TV. Not my favorite genre, plus all
of those commercials. But, hey, my friend wasn’t feeling well. An ad comes on
for a local store. This store is rather famous for their really, really bad
ads. My friend makes a comment about how the new person in the ad isn’t very
good. I reply, “Hey at least she’s cuter than the last guy!” My friend turns a
bit in the chair and gives me this look, then rolls their eyes. A bit later,
one of the local weather guys comes on to give a preview for the late news. As
usual, this guy is stumbling over his words, saying ‘uhm’ every other word and
looking nervous. My friend states, “Come on, there’s nothing good you can say
about this guy.” I smile and reply, “He just needs a job more suited to him.
He’d make a perfect leprechaun. Can’t you just see him in a cute little hat,
green suit, telling people about a trip to Ireland?” My friend bust out laughing. I wasn’t sure if this was a good or a
bad thing. Finally, my friend calms down a bit and states, “You know, the world
would be a much better place if everyone was like you. You look with your
heart, not with your eyes.” Hum, while most people have noticed that, few have
said it was a good thing. No, my Pollyanna, rose-colored glasses, glass
half-full, sunny side of life view of the world is usually looked down on as
naïve at best and stupid at worse. And for some reason, I have found it makes a
lot of people want to argue with me. Yup, I try to tell someone something
positive and they will suddenly feel the need to starting screaming at me about
all the things wrong with the world. It’s an interesting response, I’m not sure
if they're trying to make me feel guilty, sad, ashamed, angry, afraid, frustrated
or all of the above. Problem is, I don’t argue back. Which often leads to more
screaming and me walking away. Sure, I probably should’ve learned how to defend
myself by now. But I’m not going to give in to the pressure to change my
positive outlook – nope, I’m not dealing with ugly. So here’s to more people
looking with their hearts. Seeing what’s not there but what's most important. There's always a silver lining, no matter how tiny it may be...
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