One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Now I came to this fork in the road. I’ve seen this same fork there for several months. I’ve just let it be. Yesterday when I found it again, I just had to stop and laugh because of what had happened only a short while before. Here’s the thing. Some forks represent major decisions – should I stay or should I go? Others are rather minor – the red shirt or the blue? Well, in this case, I was wanting to take a trip and yesterday morning I was going to finally plan it. I had two destinations in mind. Both places I’d never been. Both with lots of interesting things to see, do, explore. Okay, here’s the thing, I had lots of windows open on my computer as I was doing research on this trip. Finally, I made my choice and the phone rang as I was starting to book the flight. This distraction made me leave my computer for several minutes. When I got back, I booked the flight without really looking at the page I was on. Yup, I just simply started clicking away making the mistake of thinking I was on the right page. It was only after I received the confirmation e-mail I realized my error. I had somehow switched pages and booked the other flight – the one to the place I had decided not to go. Major oops moment. Okay, okay, deep breath here. The e-mail says I have 24 hours to cancel the flight with no penalty. But as I sat back for a moment, I realized this wasn’t the worst thing in the world. After all, I had been having a hard time making the decision in the first place. So the fork decided my path for me. I will go to the left not to the right, fine by me. Not like I can’t go to the other location some other time. So, with this be a defining moment? Is there a reason I need to go to the one place over the other? I’m not sure, I may never know. But this moment is like all moments. It is a moment to savor, it is a moment I will only live once, it is a moment to seize every opportunity I am given. However, since I can backtrack, go back to this fork and do it all over again – should I? No, never. Because you never know why fate has handed you this course. Thus, the time is now almost up, the flight is almost locked, and I’m determined to stick to the wrong destination. Onward I go and the next time I come to a fork in the road maybe I’ll not stress so much over the choice before me. Nah, I doubt it – it’s never going to be this easy to make a major decision again…


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