Ode to fall

We’re sliding into fall.  Not that the weather has changed yet – well at least not around here.  But the squirrels are going nuts over the pecans, not even waiting for them to fall out of the trees.  Another year is winding down, the holidays are just around the corner.  Do I start making plans?  Or do I just wing it like last year?  These are the times when being alone can make people sad and blue.  They start to dwell on the road not traveled, opportunities missed.  Me, I never wonder about things like that.  It’s best not to look back.  It’s also best not to look to far forward.  I like to live for today.  Yeah, I’ve heard it said those who fail to plan, plan to fail.  I don’t see my life as a failure however.  I see it as a series of misadventures which have shaped me.  Sure, I’ve ended up in the same situations over again.  Somehow I never seem to see certain things coming.  Oh well, I just keep pushing forward.  There’s a new adventure around the corner.  Some are good, some not so good.  Nevertheless, I’m sure to find something interesting.  Life’s a mystery I enjoy unraveling.  Not everyone can live like that.  Uncertainty drives some people crazy.  But because I’m like this, I’m okay with letting certain people float in and out of my life.  Probably not the best way to have friends consistently.  Yet, somehow I’ve make it work for me.  This is more than likely why so many find me to be an odd duck, a quirky person, someone who doesn’t quite fit any mold known to man.  I once struggled with trying to be ‘normal’, to ‘fit in’, to be what others wanted me to be.  But by now, I’ve given that up.  I’m just going to be me – you can take it or leave it.  If my life doesn’t make sense to you, oh well, it’s not your life to live.  “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  Dare to be different.  Dare to do what make you you.  Don’t let anyone tell you to do anything less.


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