House or home?

I was talking to someone whose husband is in the Air Force.  Therefore, they move often.  I asked her if she ever felt like she was “home” in each new house they were in.  She smiled and told me that only after her brother-in-law visited did each new place have that feel.  She went on to explain how they would settle in.  Make a few changes, add a few touches to the new space.  Then the brother-in-law would arrive.  Her husband would suddenly become puffed up like a peacock, showing his brother around the house.  Pointing out everything, talking animatedly.  Pride of place showing on his face, really on his whole body.  Finally, the two of them would go out to drive around the new town for a while and end up at some bar for a beer.  After a few days the brother would leave.  Then and only then, would her husband and by extension, the whole family relax and enjoy the new digs.  Her story showed the bonds that are possible between two brothers.  Sure sibling rivalry can be a wicked thing which can cause a rift never outgrown.  However, when this is overcome the result can be something quite wonderful.  They can make you comfortable in a situation you have no right to find any comfort in.  They can make you laugh when you’d rather cry.  They can make you proud of a shack.  So if you’ve got a sibling or two, embrace them for all they’re worth.  Because sometimes family is the only thing standing between you and the rest of the world


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