The new revolution

Okay, I know most people are polite and considerate.  They think about doing what is best for others.  They obey the law.  They realize that signs aren’t just suggestions.  Right?  Yeah, I’m clearly looking at the world through rose colored glasses.  It’s a free for all in parking lots, as you can see from this picture I shot the other day.  Unless I’m wrong and this is a clown car and they had stuffed 20 plus people in the thing and thus felt it qualified as a bus.  People weave in and out of traffic to get to their destination a second sooner.  Like that is ever worth it.  Come on, what's ever important enough for even a few seconds to make a difference?  Everyone snaps at everyone as a form of communication.  What ever happened to being civil and speaking nicely?  Take this conversation at a store I heard the over day.  Two people were shopping.  The man snapped at the woman because they couldn’t find what they were looking for.  She asked an employee where the item might be.  The employee asked another employee about said item.  Upon learning the items were never ordered, the employee chewed out the second employee for failing to do his job.  Really?  Everyone is this upset and angry for this stupid of a reason?  Like the world is going to end for the want of a coffee maker.  Yes, I know, I know, some of you are caffeine addicts and can’t function without it in the morning.  But it’s not like there aren’t a million coffeeshops on every corner.  Let’s face it – this world is out of control.  There are just so many days anymore I want to live in my little bubble and never come out.  There needs to be a new revolution – we need to end this craziness.  Is there a way to mandate niceness?  Probably not.  Okay, fine.  Here's what I'm going to do.  I posted this photo on Facebook the other day.  If I see anything else like this I'm going to post it as well.  I'm going on a 'shame them into submission' campaign.  Anyone care to join me?


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