Naked sausage

I have this friend who has a few food issues.  One of them is he prefers his sausage naked.  Yes, naked.  One time he was at my house and I served him a sausage and rice dish.  He sat there and pulled the skin off the sausage pieces before he would eat them.  His meal ended up cold long before he finished it.  The whole time he was doing this, he was telling me how the ‘skin’ wasn’t ‘skin’ at all but rather plastic.  Fine.  I never served him sausage again since there wasn’t any way in heck I was going to take the time to strip sausage.  Then one glorious day, I was at the grocery store and they had free samples of local sausage.  I was helping myself to a second bite when who walks by?  My naked sausage loving friend.  I tried to tempt into trying a bite of this wonderful sausage.  Of course, no dice.  I even offered to remove the casing for him.  Still no deal.  This got me to thinking, how many things in life have I missed because they weren’t exactly how I prefer them to be?  Have I missed out on the best life has to offer?  Goodness, I hope not.  But it makes me much less willing to say ‘no’ the next time someone offers me something.  Sure, I don’t like pizza with pepperoni on it but at least I’ve tried it.  Life should be like this – trying anything and everything at least once.  Skydiving, sure, why the heck not?  Ghost peppers, bring them on.  You only live once you know.  Just keep it legal please...


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