Kudzu kinda world
Have you ever heard of kudzu? It’s this plant that was brought to the South
supposedly to fight erosion or to feed cows.
Depends on which rumor you believe.
Doesn’t matter. The important
point is that this stuff grows fast and out of control. It’s almost impossible to kill. Left unchecked it smothers other plants,
topples utility poles, overruns buildings.
Do you have people in your life that are like this? They seem innocent enough to start with. Then the worm turns. I’ve been dealing with someone like
this. This person was nice, friendly, sweet. For a while that is. Then something happened, I’m not exactly sure
what. Now this person is calling me ungrateful,
evil, crazy, dangerous. She’s telling
others to avoid me. She’s frequently
calling me and texting me whenever she realizes anyone she knows is talking or
hanging out with me. I’ve decided not to
acknowledge her anymore. So her messages
have gotten interesting. She’s sending
things like ‘Act like an adult and answer your damn phone.’ Yup, she’s become a kudzu plant trying to
smother everything in sight. And like
kudzu, apparently she’s next to impossible to get rid of. How do people end up like this? What’s missing in their lives so they think
this kind of behavior is acceptable, normal, okay? I just don’t know but I’m glad that I only
know one ‘kudzu’ person right now. It’s
all I can handle. I’m almost to the
point of changing my phone number but that would give her the win. Yup, I’m just going to keep handling this by
ignoring her and being thankful for the wonderful invention they call caller ID. Cause without that I’d be playing Russian
Roulette every time I answered my phone.
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