Parents evicting their deadbeat kids

I don’t know how many of you have been fascinated by the story playing out in the news about the adult son who was evicted by his parents.  It seemed like a rather drastic step for any parent to take.  Yet so many parents allow their children to become permanent moochers.  Okay, lets be honest, it often starts out simple with the Bank of Mom.  Now, I’m a bit harsh about how and when my son can make a withdrawal from the Bank of Mom.  Son calls, he’s broke and can’t pay his car insurance.  My reply?  Well, maybe sweetheart, you should’ve thought about that sooner.  Like before you and your buds took off on a 500 mile road trip to see some band.  No way am I baling him out after that.  Several of my friends and I have been having conversations about this.  Actually for months now.  Mostly about where to draw the line between being supportive and going overboard.  Back to the case of the man evicted by his parents – he lost his job and wanted more time before he moved out.  Thing is he had been in his parents home for 8 years.  Me?  I would’ve evicted him after a few months, if I’d have let him move in at all.  And that’s a real big if.  Yeah, don’t even discuss moving in with me.  Really, there’s little chance I’d be letting him move back in with me if he loses his job.  Nope, please start putting some money in savings and have a backup plan.  One that doesn’t involve the Bank of Mom.  Because that bank is closed unless you’re on deaths door and can’t work anymore.  Yeah, this was a clear case of parents going overboard.  So, parents, here’s a tip – teach your children responsibility from the womb.  By the time they’re teens they’ll be ready for you to throw them out into the wide world, never to return.  After all, our tax dollars are better spent on real court cases rather than parents evicting their grown children.


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