Eye for an eye, rude for rude

I finally got a new drivers license for the state I’m now living in.  Let me tell you it wasn’t easy.  I showed the woman at the counter all of my documents, including my old drivers license.  She stated she couldn’t read the license.  Okay, I know the thing was hard to read.  My old state has the licenses which have a coating on them that start to rub off the second they are printed.  But it’s not like it’s my fault my home state apparently prints licenses in the basement of the state prison with printers that are older than the state is.  So, being the kind person I am, I offered to read it too her.  I have no problem reading the darn thing.  I’ve been reading the numbers off of it for people ever since I landed in my new state.  And well, don’t even get me started on the day the lady at the return desk at Walmart tried to have me arrested for passing off a fake ID.  Like anyone would use a fake ID to return a couple of sheets worth less than $20.  But, I’m off on a serious rabbit trail here.  Suffice it to say, I know if you squint, hold it up to the light just right and tilt your head a bit, you can read it.  Yeah, the lady at the drivers license office wasn’t about to let me read it to her.  No, she told me to go to my home state and get a new license.  Yep, she told me to go several thousand miles just to get a new one from a state I no longer live in just to get a new one from the state I actually live in.  Fine, I took a deep breath and in as calm a voice as I could, asked to speak to a supervisor.  I think the woman took a 10 minute break before coming back to her window.  With her supervisor looking on, she said that, yes, in fact, she would accept the license after all.  Well, praise be.  The woman was actually going to do her job.  However, she was snarky and rude as she complete the transfer of my license from one state to the other.  Then her supervisor got closer and removed the temporary license from the printer and inspected it before handing it directly to me.  Wow, I think the lady ‘helping’ me might just be in some trouble.  Now I’ve mentioned repeatedly about the lack of customer service available anymore.  This is a common problem, one which I don’t think is going away anytime soon.  But this was a new low.  Did this woman truly think I was going to travel to another state just to solve this problem?  Come on now, what did I look like?  The biggest fool on the planet?  Nope, I’m done with bad service.  And quite frankly, I think I’m done with being polite to these crazy people who work at some of the businesses I go to.  If they, who are getting paid to be there, don’t have to be nice, why should I be sweet as honey back?  Let’s see if I can do rude, obnoxious, discourteous, snarky.  It's not like I can make the service any worse…


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