When a lie isn't a lie

I have a friend who often accuses me of lying.  Not because he has any evidence that I am.  Nor because I've ever given him any reason to think that I might be.  No, it’s for the simple fact he doesn’t like the answer.  I often answer back, “Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t make it false.”  He usual response is a grunt.  Well, the other day, he decided to take this up a notch.  His reply was, “Well, can’t you change the answer?”  Hum, let’s see.  If I change the answer than I wouldn’t be telling the truth.  Thus, I would be lying to him.  Which he clearly doesn’t want me to do.  So, no I can’t simply change the answer.  Okay then, maybe I shouldn’t answer when I know it’s something that he’s not going to like my response to.  However, how long can I ignore his questions?  Nope, this is just something he’s going to have to get over.  Learn to accept the fact some things in life aren’t what we want.  Honesty isn’t something we can avoid to make someone more comfortable.  Okay, I guess it's fine to not say anthing if it's going to hurt someone deeply.  But truth can't be something we pull out only when convient.


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