Find a penny...

Ever heard the expression “Find a penny, pick it up.  All the day you’ll have good luck.”?  I don’t know where I first heard it, my parents I guess.  But every time I see a penny anywhere, I happily pick it up as I recite this to myself.  Not just pennies - nickels, dimes and sometimes a quarter or two.  Since I walk a lot, I’ve turned this into a treasure hunt of sorts.  A friend of mine thinks I’m a little nuts for always picking up loose change.  Even after I told him the saying, he still couldn’t figure out why I do it.  Okay, he’s not from America – I guess there’s no equivalent to that saying in Cuba or Spain which is where he’s lived before.  So, I make sure anytime I’m with him I look extra hard for loose change just to rub it in his face.  Yeah, he’s never happy with me when I wave a new found coin at him.  But hey, some months I find as much as $20 and have lots of fun taking it to the bank.  You should see the tellers rolling their eyes when I walk in with a jar of pennies.  No, I’m not superstitious.  No, I don’t really need the money.  For me there’s something symbolic about finding a tossed aside item and making use of it.  Taking something most people see as has having little value and adding it to others to make a whole.  Do you ever feel like that poor little penny on the street?  Do you feel you’ve been abandoned, left alone for no real good reason?  Or have you been the penny that found the hole in the pocket and left on your own?  Yet, a single penny can buy nothing, while a hundred pennies can buy a burger.  We aren’t meant to be alone, we all need help sometimes.  There’s no shame in that.  So, find another penny, and another, and another….


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