How not to spend a dollar

I love dollar stores.  You can get all sort of crazy things there for next to nothing.  I got a nice thermos – stainless steel, fancy, generic.  $3 bucks.  Sure, I figured it wouldn’t work as well, but the thing keeps stuff hot for 6 or 7 hours.  However, I’ve discovered some things you maybe shouldn’t buy cheap.  The dish soap that was on sale 2 for $1.  It was in these huge containers, so I bought two.  Really, how bad can it be – dish soap is soap right?  Wrong.  This stuff has no pretty scent.  It’s about a thick as silly putty.  It makes no bubbles.  And best of all, it doesn’t take anything off dishes.  Not even food that’s not really stuck on there.  You know like the bread crumbs from my toast.  Don’t even get me started on how this stuff left all the dishes slimy and gross because it clearly doesn’t tackle grease.  You know like the little bit of left over margarine from the one plate I had that toast on.  Now in case you're thinking this is my fault, I used plenty of the stuff.  In fact, I ended up using half of one bottle to clean one plate, one cup, one knife and one spoon.  Oh, and yes, the water was hot – boiling if you must know.  But, how many things in life do we try to take shortcuts on that don’t work out?  We take the easy assignment at work so we can leave early.  However, the boss figures out what we’re up to and gives us something else to do.  We forget someone on their special day and stop at the convenience store on the way home.  Sure, that’s going to go over well.  You can think of things you’ve done I’m sure.  Sometimes we get lucky, we’re able to slip by with only the bare minimum.  Yet, I think maybe it’s not as easy a fix as re-washing dishes…


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