How many men does it take to park a travel trailer in a yard?
Okay, I know that the title of this blog sounds like the opening of a bad joke. But the other day, as I was walking down the street, I noticed these guys trying to park a trailer in a yard. Now, you might be thinking how hard can that be? Well, let me tell you, extremely. This particular yard is surrounded by an eight-foot-high sturdy wrought iron fence. And a gate that once opened left a space which, from my vantage point, appeared to be only about an inch wider than the trailer. So there they were, a guy driving a truck, two guys trying to guide him into the yard. The guy on one side yelled that the truck needed to turn to the right, the other was yelling that the truck needed to turn to the left. The poor driver jiggling the truck back and forth trying to do both. Until the inevitable happened - a loud crunch ringing out as the trailer and the fence collided. Resulting in minor damage to both the trailer and the fence. Now, at some point, the driver should've realized how impo...