My genes say what?!
Anyone who knows me, or who has read this blog for a while, is aware that I’m adopted. I don’t keep it a secret because it’s a big part of what makes me who I am. I often feel like I'm on the outside of every family interaction in the world looking in. The reactions I get are anywhere from, “Interesting” to “Who cares?” The later response always throws me. A huge chuck of me is unknown and that’s your response? But that’s a rabbit trail for another day. Anyhoo, I was getting tired of being unable to answer certain questions. You know, like those questions on forms at the doctor’s office. ‘Do you have any relatives with…’ and then there is this whole long list of ailments. And there I’d be, sitting staring off into space, going, “ Do I have an Uncle John, much less was there something wrong with him? How about an Aunt Jane? Do I have siblings, cousins? Where am I from?” Next thing I know the nurse is calling be back and the stupid form is half filled out. Fine, in this wonderful...